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Finding Extra Value in an Era of Tight Budgeting

With sweeping budget proposals now on the table from President Obama and House Republicans, the debate over federal spending is gaining momentum this week in Washington. Not surprisingly, there are diverging views on many of the particulars in the budget. But all agree in principle that the fiscal situation demands belt-tightening — and all agree spending must produce real value. That’s why the administration’s new Federal Cloud Computing Strategy is so important. As unveiled by US CIO Vivek Kundra, it would target as much as a quarter of the government’s $80 billion IT budget to cloud solutions, capturing more value by increasing the government’s operational performance and improving public services.

BSA President and CEO Robert Holleyman commended the administration for its vision, noting that “cloud computing offers a powerful compliment to the IT solutions that federal agencies have long used to conduct their operations. In the right circumstances, migrating to the cloud can deliver significant efficiency gains through better resource-sharing and elimination of redundancies.”

For more reaction to the federal cloud strategy, see BSA’s February 14 press release.

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