Lindsay Emery – Communications Manager
From Chappaqua, New York. Currently living in Washington, DC.
I joined BSA in May 2022.
I’ve always enjoyed telling stories, and when I graduated from college, I had the opportunity to start my career at PAE, a government contractor in Northern Virginia, where I began my journey in communications. I hold a bachelor’s degree in journalism and political science from the University of Richmond. Go Spiders!
What attracted you to work at BSA?
When I applied for my current role at BSA, I wanted to learn more about technology policy not only at the federal level, but within a global context. I couldn’t have anticipated how artificial intelligence would blow up on a global scale, and BSA is a great place to learn about how our member companies are working toward responsibly developing these technologies. Tech and technology policy are fast-moving, and I enjoy following the different legislative processes and technicalities depending on what market we are discussing.
What’s the most unique part about working at BSA?
My BSA colleagues from across the world make every day interesting and rewarding. This past fall, we had the opportunity to come together at our global staff retreat, where we talked in person about our objectives. I enjoy waking up to emails from Singapore, Japan, Brussels, and Brazil and learning about what my colleagues have been working on while I’ve been sleeping.
What’s the most helpful thing you’ve learned working at BSA?
Always be willing to ask questions. When I first started at BSA, I was unfamiliar with our issue areas. I’m grateful that I have colleagues who were willing to answer my questions when I first started and continue to explain the many facets of our policy portfolio each and every day.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
My favorite ice cream flavor is either Mississippi Mud from Carvel or Coffee Coffee BuzzBuzzBuzz from Ben & Jerry’s. If you’re in Washington, I love the coffee and Oreo flavor from Thomas Sweet and frequent a quick walk to Georgetown even in the cold. This will surprise most people, since I absolutely hate coffee, but I think I enjoy these flavors because the coffee actually enhances the chocolate taste. I love Carvel ice cream, and my favorite birthday treat is a Fudgie the Whale cake from the Clarendon location.
What’s one thing on your bucket list?
I would love to visit more countries around the world, and I hope to travel to every continent if I can! If I had to narrow it down, I am especially looking forward to making it to Japan or Morocco at some point.
Favorite book/podcast/long-form article you recommend? What did you learn?
I’m on a podcast journey, so please send me any recommendations you may have! My coworker, Tina, recommended “Las Culturistas” with Bowen Yang and Matt Rogers, and I have been hooked ever since! As a pop culture fiend, I love hearing their opinions on the trending stories of the week.
I’ve also been listening to “The Psychology of Your 20s” and the Morning Brew’s “Bossy” in recent weeks.
Favorite spot in your hometown, or current city?
I’ve grown to love Washington over the past couple of years and frequent the National Zoo! Phil , my colleague, and I have been counting down the days to visit the new pandas Bao Li and Qing Bao. Until you have the chance to see the pandas at the zoo, you can tune into the Giant Panda Cam here.