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Navigating the Cloud: Why Software Asset Management Is More Important Than Ever

Cloud computing offers businesses the prospect of immense benefits — lower IT costs, greater operational efficiency, and increased protection against malware to name a few. For IT managers looking to reap these benefits, a key step should be implementing effective software asset management (SAM) practices. That is the somewhat surprising conclusion of a new BSA study released today.

Navigating the Cloud — Why Software Asset Management is More Important than Ever” details how SAM helps to unlock the potential of the cloud.  Conventional wisdom had been that there’s no need to worry about license compliance or other SAM concerns in the cloud. But it turns out that as more and more organizations shift their computing resources to the cloud, businesses that understand that SAM is just as critical and beneficial in the cloud as it is in traditional IT environments will have a competitive advantage.

In order for that business to successfully address the new license compliance challenges the cloud presents, they must fully understand the why’s and how’s of deploying SAM in a cloud environment. BSA’s latest study gives IT managers the critical guidance they need to help their organizations realize the benefits of the cloud.

“Navigating the Cloud” describes how the principles behind SAM remain the same even as businesses move to the cloud. In both traditional and cloud environments, the practice of managing the lifecycle of software assets within an organization and remaining compliant with software license agreements is critical for all organizations that use software. Properly deploying SAM in either environment positively impacts an organization’s assets, operations and bottom line. While effective SAM is a cloud enabler, ineffective SAM can undermine the benefits of cloud implementation.

The ability to provision services in almost real time is a new and unique benefit of the cloud environment. This rapid deployment of software and services, however, may present those managing an organization’s software assets with unfamiliar challenges. In “Navigating the Cloud,” BSA offers advice on the risks of improperly managed software assets and how businesses can deploy effective SAM practices to mitigate those risks.

While transitioning to the cloud has created a host of new challenges for IT professionals, the operational and monetary benefits that organizations achieve are strong incentives to move away from the traditional software environment. “Navigating the Cloud” underscores BSA’s commitment to helping organizations understand and implement strong SAM practices.


Jodie L. Kelley leads BSA’s domestic and international compliance & enforcement programs including its copyright-enforcement activities, its compliance policy work, its efforts against Internet crime, and its educational programs to promote software license compliance and respect for intellectual property. Kelley serves as BSA’s general counsel for all corporate matters and manages BSAs’ compliance & enforcement programs and counsel in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Americas. Representing the largest copyright-based industry, BSA operates in more than 60 countries worldwide.

Prior to joining BSA, Kelley served for six years as Vice President and Deputy General Counsel of Fannie Mae, a government-sponsored enterprise chartered by Congress to provide liquidity, stability and affordability to the US housing and mortgage markets. There, she was responsible for managing the company’s litigation portfolio and its responses to various governmental inquiries. She also was responsible for advising the company on issues including antitrust and anti-fraud. Previously, she was a partner at Jenner & Block in Washington, where she specialized in civil and regulatory litigation and handled cases before trial and appellate courts and regulatory agencies throughout the country.

Kelley is a native of New Orleans, and a member of the Board of Directors of Commonwealth Academy. She earned her JD from Harvard Law School and BSS from The Pennsylvania State University.

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