Senior Director, Policy

Henry Young is Senior Director, Policy for BSA | The Software Alliance. Prior to joining BSA, Young was Senior Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor first to Secretary of Commerce Ross and then Secretary of Commerce Raimondo. In that role he was trusted to develop and oversee high-level policy and strategy for the U.S. Department of Commerce and its bureaus and collaborate with senior White House and interagency officials, to design, advocate, and implement critical policies and strategies that shape national and foreign policy related to technology including cybersecurity, 5G, and standards.

Posts by Henry Young

Government officials, industry leaders, and advocates often appeal to “best practices” to guide policy or set requirements. But, too often, they use the term “best practices” imprecisely to cover a variety of meanings. That hurts effective policy, because “best practice” has a definition – and it is one that isn’t aligned with how policymakers frequently misuse it. Read More >>

The opportunity to harmonize cybersecurity policy is in focus after the US DHS and the European Commission announced an initiative to collaborate on aligning cyber incident reporting requirements. Read More >>

BSA asked leading cybersecurity professionals at its member companies for their 2024 predictions on how to elevate cybersecurity for their organization. Read More >>

While analogies can be helpful to understand cybersecurity, some policymakers’ use of an analogy between software and car safety features overly simplifies the challenge of cybersecurity. Read More >>

The National Cyber Strategy contains multiple ideas that will advance the security of US Government agencies, some of which BSA has been advocating for and working on for years. Read More >>