Senior Director, Policy

Henry Young is Senior Director, Policy for BSA | The Software Alliance. Prior to joining BSA, Young was Senior Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor first to Secretary of Commerce Ross and then Secretary of Commerce Raimondo. In that role he was trusted to develop and oversee high-level policy and strategy for the U.S. Department of Commerce and its bureaus and collaborate with senior White House and interagency officials, to design, advocate, and implement critical policies and strategies that shape national and foreign policy related to technology including cybersecurity, 5G, and standards.

Posts by Henry Young

The federal government could take an important step toward bolstering US cybersecurity if it heeds the new, draft recommendations from a presidential advisory committee published late this week. Read More >>

As governments and businesses in all sectors continue their digital transformation, they increasingly rely on the ability to access data to effectively serve their customers and citizens. But proposed data transfer restrictions and data localization requirements will impede digital transformation and increase cybersecurity risks for organizations and the digital ecosystem more broadly. Read More >>

Cybersecurity isn’t just a top priority for BSA | The Software Alliance and policymakers in Washington. As a new annual survey by the research firm Gartner makes clear, cybersecurity is also the top investment priority for corporate Chief Information Officers (CIOs) across a variety of sectors. Read More >>

Several recent, high-profile cyber incidents have heightened organizations’ awareness of cybersecurity risks. Experts’ careful examination indicate that increased transparency into software components could help mitigate these risks, including using a software bill of materials, or SBOM. Read More >>

By Tom Foulkes and Henry Young In October 2021, in conjunction with Cybersecurity Awareness Month, BSA published Strengthening Trust, Safeguarding Digital Transformation: BSA’s Cybersecurity Agenda, which identifies BSA’s priorities and offers policy recommendations to improve cybersecurity. BSA’s Cybersecurity Agenda addresses many cybersecurity issues that confront leaders in state capitols across the US. The numbers illustrate … Read More >>