Country Manager — India

Venkatesh Krishnamoorthy leads on policy issues around personal data protection, privacy, cybersecurity, cloud adoption, and emerging technologies in India. At BSA, one of his key focus areas is to promote cross-border data flows, enable data transfers, and pushback against data localization mandates. He has specialized in roles that play at the intersection of business, government, and society for a decade. He is an engineering graduate from the National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India, and is an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.

Posts by Venkatesh Krishnamoorthy

BSA has developed six policy recommendations to help the Modi administration realize these goals in the term ahead. Read More >>

India plans to foster an open, safe, trusted, and accountable internet through the DIA. To contribute to this exercise, BSA has outlined five key principles to consider while developing the new law.Read More >>