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Danielle Brown – BSA Staff Spotlight Series

Danielle joined BSA | The Software Alliance in October 2022, after 20 years on Capitol Hill. She believes that we learn by asking the hard questions and some of the best ideas come out of someone pushing to better understand an issue. Read More >>

Danielle Brown – Senior Director, Legislative Strategy

From Detroit, Michigan. Living in Washington, D.C.

Before joining BSA | The Software Alliance in October 2022, I spent over 20 years on Capitol Hill, most recently as General Counsel to the House Ways and Means Committee. I also served in various roles on the House Judiciary Committee and multiple Democratic presidential campaigns.

I have a deep understanding of Congress’ inner workings and its rules and idiosyncrasies. I can also claim subject matter experience in tax, trade, intellectual property, antitrust, health, criminal justice, immigration, and now, AI, of course. I like to joke that I have a long career of working on everything in general and nothing in particular.

I earned my Juris Doctor from Georgetown University Law Center and a Bachelor of Arts in political science and Spanish from the University of Michigan. Fun fact: I spent a year during my undergraduate studies in Seville, Spain, and a summer studying in Switzerland, Paris, and Vienna during law school.

What/who inspired you to pursue the career you have today?

I’ve worked with phenomenal public servants, including John Conyers Jr., John Lewis, Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA), and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). But my interest in politics admittedly started with the movie character Sydney Ellen Wade in “The American President.” A high-powered Washington lobbyist who was smart and tough, her character – and that snappy Aaron Sorkin dialogue – sparked my interest in real-life Washington advocacy.

That spark led to an internship in Washington and varied roles in Democratic politics. Over 20 years later, I am now a lobbyist advocating in the halls of Congress, bringing it all full circle (with an admittedly less impressive wardrobe).

What attracted you to work at BSA?

Leaving the powerful, tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee to work in tech policy wasn’t an obvious choice. However, BSA checked all the boxes for my first private sector job. BSA is well-respected on Capitol Hill as a problem solver and a trusted resource. Representing such a brand was important to me. In addition, our membership of innovative companies means I get to work on cutting-edge issues and continually learn new policy areas. Finally, the BSA team is smart, collaborative, global, and a pleasure to work with. The value of great colleagues can’t be overstated!

What advice can you give someone who just started their career/wants to pursue a similar career?

Don’t hesitate to ask the hard questions! We learn by asking the hard questions and some of the best ideas come out of someone pushing to better understand an issue. Don’t be afraid to speak up because if something doesn’t quite make sense to you, odds are someone else in the room is also wondering the same thing.

Do you have any pets, and if so, what do you have?

I used to rescue retired racing greyhounds. Now, I am the proud human to a boggle (beagle boxer mix) named Kiwi.

Favorite spot for a coffee meeting?

Tatte, which is downstairs from our offices in Washington. Large, iced latte with oat milk, a half shot of vanilla, and a half shot of caramel, to be precise. Don’t knock it until you try it.

Favorite spot in your hometown or current city?

Christmas Cove Beach in the northern tip of my home state of Michigan. This beautiful spot on the shores of crystal-clear Lake Michigan is my favorite place in the world. I go there with my family every August to take in the stunning views, breathe in the fresh air, and exhale all the stress of our busy lives in Washington.


The BSA Staff Spotlight series aims to showcase the journeys, passions, and personalities of our dedicated global team members who contribute to our mission of advocating for the enterprise software industry.

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