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Bruce Miller – BSA Staff Spotlight Series

Bruce Miller has been shaping legislative strategy in Washington, DC, since 2003, spending nearly two decades on Capitol Hill before transitioning to tech policy at BSA | The Software Alliance in 2022. Now, he’s helping educate policymakers on the unique role of software in the tech sector. Read More >>

Bruce Miller — Senior Director, Legislative Strategy

From Boxborough, Massachusetts. Living in Washington, DC, since 2003.

Before joining BSA | The Software Alliance in 2022, I helped establish the government relations office for Kyndryl in Washington after spending nearly two decades working in the House of Representatives.

While originally from the Boston suburbs, I attended the University of Colorado Boulder and have a Bachelor of Arts in political science and a minor in business administration.

After graduating from college, I worked on a congressional campaign that was the closest election of the 2002 cycle.

Following the decisive 121-vote victory, I moved from Colorado to Washington to begin my nearly 20-year career in the House of Representatives. This included working for Rep. Bob Beauprez (R-CO) as a Legislative Assistant, Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) as a Senior Legislative Assistant, the Republican Study Committee under Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), and my final 10 years on the Hill with Rep. Mark Amodei (R-NV) as Legislative Director and eventually Chief of Staff.

What/who inspired you to pursue the career you have today?

It wasn’t a person but a moment during government class in high school.

When my teacher asked what was unique about the California Senate delegation, I blurted out without being called on, “They are both women.” This was unique at the time, and since we were in Massachusetts, the teacher was surprised I knew the answer and said, “VERY GOOD!” I then ended up having to help him with the second senator’s name — Senator Feinstein, for the record.

My friends thought I was a nerd.

What’s the most unique part about working at BSA?

BSA is a great team environment, with our different departments complementing each other through shared goals. This is what differentiates our organization from others in the technology sector.

People across academia, policy, media, and others lump the technology industry into one generalized economic sector and do not recognize that business models are different, supply chains matter, and the B2B space is unique.

I enjoy that my job is to help policymakers understand that difference. Unlike long-standing debates in Congress over healthcare or energy policy, for example, many members of Congress (and the public) are simultaneously learning about the advancement of software technologies, which provides a unique opportunity for BSA and me to help.

Tell us one fun fact about you.

Fessenden Street, in Washington, is named after my relative, William Pitt Fessenden, who was Treasury Secretary under President Lincoln. While my middle name is Fessenden — and I went by the nickname “Fez” my entire childhood and early adult life — I have not received the nepotism advancement that I may have enjoyed with that name recognition 150 years ago. I guess this is where my Republican roots come from, as well.

Do you have any pets, and if so, what do you have?

We have an 11-year-old dog named Eli that we assumed was a Corgi Mix. After taking the DNA test a few years ago, we found out that he is not a corgi but a mix of at least six other breeds. He is a unique-looking dog with two different colored eyes, who sheds and yips a lot, but we like him anyway.

How do you unwind after work?

With two very young, wonderful and energetic daughters (3 ½ and 1 ½ ), there is no such thing. But on fall Saturdays, I do enjoy attempting to watch college football and I’m pleased my girls will watch my Colorado Buffaloes until Ralphie (the mascot) runs the field, before having to change the channel to Paw Patrol.


The BSA Staff Spotlight series aims to showcase the journeys, passions, and personalities of our dedicated global team members who contribute to our mission of advocating for the enterprise software industry.

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